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Ciao from Fuckup Nights Vicenza!

We're celebrating our global community by getting to know our Fuckuppers and what motivates them to become official Fuckup Nights Organizers.

Fuckup Nights
August 16, 2023
Ciao from Fuckup Nights Vicenza!

Creating safe paces to share the failure is not an easy task. We're recognizing and celebrating our global community by getting to know our Fuckuppers and what motivates them to become official Fuckup Nights Organizers.

Today, we want to introduce to you our official organizer in Vicenza, Italy: Cosetta Masi

FuN: Hi, Cosetta! How long have you been a Fuckupper and what’s it been like for you so far?
CM:  I have been a Fuckupper since November 2022, so I am still pretty new to this experience. I am loving it.

FuN: Where and how did your journey with Fuckup Nights begin?
CM: A client of mine organized a party for the 10th anniversary of his company. One of the persons I met that evening manages a co-working space nearby Milano. We were talking about managing a shared office and all the different initiatives they take on and Fuckup Nights came up. As soon as I heard the name I wanted to know more, and started planning to bring Fuckup Nights to Vicenza.

FuN: Is there a particular moment from your time as a Fuckupper that brings a smile to your face? We'd love to hear about it!
CM: It is really difficult to choose one, so I am going with two:

1. The moment I received a message from Matteo (who is now organising the chapter with me). He just stated “that Fuckup thing you mentioned, let’s do it”. I had pitched him the idea of bringing Fuckup Nights to Vicenza a couple days before, and wasn’t sure of the feedback. With just a couple of messages we decided to go ahead and apply for the license: not much reasoning or discussion needed.

2. Taking pictures for the website with the team. This was during our very first all-team meeting and the first time many people met the other members. We had a lot of fun and we really clicked as a group. Also, drinks and party immediately after our first event…it was a success and we were just thrilled (and a bit incredulous) about it!
(ok, that was three moments)

FuN: Have you met fellow Fuckuppers from around the globe either online or offline? How’s that experience been for you?
CM: Not yet, unfortunately. Soon after I joined the FUN movement I had a few exchanges with other Italian speaking Fuckuppers (in particular Romina from Lugano was very open – thanks again 😊) but we haven’t yet had the chance to meet in person. We are discussing attending another chapters’ event: it would be a great team building experience for us Fuckuppers from Vicenza as a group. We will make it happen😊

FuN: What made you decide to take on the challenge of bringing FUN to your city?
CM:The main factor was that when discussing the idea to bring FUN to Vicenza with friends and colleagues the feedback was super positive and we realised how close and important the topic of failure is for so many people…and it just felt like the right thing to do.

FuN: Where do you see particular potential for your chapter? What are your goals for the months ahead?
CM: We want to focus on the speakers and the they are the heart of the events and we soon realized the importance of each story’s and speaker’s capacity to connect with the audience. Also, we are looking into finding more sponsors to improve our activities and reach more people.

FuN: Why is talking about business failure important to you?
CM: We are very interested in innovation and we believe that the fear to fail is one of the factors that may hold people back from stepping outside their comfort zone and trying something new. If mistakes are not demonized and feared less, then there is more room for entrepreneurship, initiative and experimentation.

FuN: What lessons have you learned along the way, either personally or professionally?

CM: I am constantly learning from other team members, as we have different backgrounds and everyone brings so much to our chapter. I know we discuss the importance of mistakes as a learning experience, but we should not forget how much we can learn from other people. I believe in the value of sharing experiences and in the good that comes with an open mindset.

FuN: Who are you organizing Fuckup Nights for? i.e. How does a typical day for your attendees look like? How does your event help them in their life?
CM: We are organizing Fuckup Nights for literally anyone that has felt the embarrassment of failing or the fear to fail. Participants to our events so far have been very diverse, from students just out of school to people in their sixties. We did not really plan for this, but we like it and we would love to be able to continue to foster this very variegated participation.

FuN: What’s your experience of working with the Fuckup Inc (HQ) team?
CM: I love how communication is always very smooth and easy-going. Also, we felt really heard when we raised concerns or doubts: HQ has been supportive in making us confident we would be able to organise FUN Vicenza and not…fuckup the initiative 😊

Thank you so much Cosetta and everyone involved in making Fuckup Nights Vicenza an amazing chapter!

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Cosetta Masi is a business lawyer, and a technology and innovation enthusiast. Not afraid of CTOs.

Passionate about mountain and outdoor activities – Alpine Club guide. Wannabe climber and alpinist. Foodie and beer lover. Amateur drone pilot.

Her motto: “I am soooo tired, I need to go for a run"

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Ciao from Fuckup Nights Vicenza!
Raquel Rojas
Marketing & Comms Manager
Neurodivergent, antiracist, queer, feminist, vegan for the animals, mother, sister, lover, Mexican, immigrant. Fan of music festivals by the beach, gin tonics, and annoying people with her unsolicited unpopular opinions.
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